
Guyana Industrial Minerals Inc. GINMIN  is committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees, contractors, suppliers and stakeholders. We strive to provide a zero-harm working environment through our integrated health and safety management system.

We focus on continuously improving our performance in order to deliver on our health and safety commitments. GINMIN will:

  • Never compromise on any of our safety values.

  • Meet or exceed all applicable laws and regulations, as well as our own standards.

  • Work together with our employees to develop and implement high standards.

  • Integrate health and safety into all aspects of our operational decisions and activities.

  • Establish relevant and measurable indicators to determine our performance.

  • Promote healthy lifestyles through appropriate awareness and training, fitness for work standards, and occupational health programs and benefits.

  • Communicate openly and honestly about our performance in a timely manner.

  • Maintain high expectations of our employees, contractors and suppliers to work in a safe manner.

To fulfill our commitment to health and safety, we aim to improve our performance continually by regularly reviewing our objective and targets; engaging with our employees and stakeholders to improve and implement our integrated health and safety management system; identifying and managing health and safety impacts, risks and opportunities; measuring and reporting performance transparently against our objectives and targets; and communicating regularly with our stakeholders about our health and safety performance.



  1. Achieve ISPS certification.

  2. Implementation of CCTV Network In high-risk areas.

  3. GPS vehicle tracking and monitoring systems.

  4. Implementation of restricted access control in high-risk areas and assets.

  5. Implementation of proper security checks, tracking, monitoring, and controls to identify and eliminate asset loss and leakage.


  1. Maintain zero occupational disease rate.

  2. Maintain zero COVID19 infections within site operations.



  1. Zero Fatality and Lost time injury, achieve two years 730 days LTI free.

  2. Increase management visibility in the field.

  3. 100% compliance with Guyana Fire Services recommendations.

  4. Development of Emergency Response Plan and conduct at least two mock drills annually.

  5. Develop and implementation of Safe Work Authority.

  6. Development and implementation of new employee mentoring and training program.

  7. Standardized Incident reporting and investigation policy and procedure.

  8. Develop daily and monthly KPIs, Take 5, JHA, daily department inspections.

  9. Monthly employee HSSEC meetings.

  10. Crews to elect Safety Reps and form Safety Committee.


  1. Ensure Procedure Training Package are developed by all departments.

  2. Achieve 100% employee procedure training.

  3. Supervisors roles and responsibilities HSSE

  4. All employees complete in-house basic fire training and first aid trainings.

  5. All relevant employees complete internal and external High-Risk Training.

  6. Hands on practical training for site emergency team members for each quarter.

  7. Environmental awareness training for all employees.

  8. 100% of employees to complete revised GINMIN Induction. Including trainings in Take 5, JHA, Hazard Identification and Reporting, LOTO, Working at Heights, permits familiarization and SOPs.



  1. 100% Compliance with Environmental Protection Agency permits.

  2. Zero environmental incidents.

  3. Conduct monthly monitoring (Water quality, Noise and Air quality).

  4. Conduct site inspection and recommended corrective action.

  5. Improve waste management across the project site.

  6. Grow tree line along the community fence line, to create natural noise buffer.

  7. Improve Fuel Storage area to meet compliance with GFS and EPA’s Permits.


  1. Detailed engineering, planning, consultation and construction of community domestic water supply system.

  2. Progressive planning with GTT for provision of WIFI in the community

  3. Reestablishment of monthly community council meeting with GINMIN management.

  4. Oversight of the election process for electing community council members.

  5. Improvement in maintaining community scholarship program.

  6. Develop a progressive Community Development Plan.